The NLP Pattern of the Month: 'Wholeness' Process

by Robert Dilts.

  1. Put yourself into a contemplative state that you would associate with being 'close to Spirit.'
  2. Visualize what it would look like to be fully healed, physically more capable, clear in mind, calmer and enjoying being your real self. Associate into that image.
  3. Focus on your your symptom. Pay attention to precisely where in your body you sense the symptom. Notice any feelings associated with it (such as doubt, fear anger, etc.).
  4. Intensify your sense of the symptom even more and allow the feelings and representations to stream from their location in your body into the open palm of your left hand. See, hear, feel and even smell the symptom flowing into your left hand until you have the sense that all of it is out of your body and in your hand. Allow the symptom in your left hand to become a metaphorical image you can see clearly in your mind's eye. Just notice what image the symptom naturally takes.
  5. Thank your symptom for revealing itself to you and being willing to communicate to you. Then ask the symptom,"What are you trying to communicate to me? What is your positive intention or purpose?" Quietly and respectfully listen, watch and feel for any inner messages.
    [Note: If you find no positive intentions, the symptom may simply be the result of a 'thought virus'. You may test this by saying respectfully, "I am no longer a home for you. It is time for you to leave." If there has been any part of you associated with allowing the 'thought virus' to be within you, ask for the positive intentions of that part of you.]
  6. Say to your symptom, "Thank you for communicating with me. I appreciate you for having been so committed to those positive intentions and purposes all this time."
  7. Focus on the part of you that wants you to be healthy and well - your 'internal healer'. Pay close attention to where in your body this part resides. Notice the feelings associated with it.
  8. Intensify your sense of your internal healer even more and allow the feelings and representations to stream from their location in your body into the open palm of your right hand. See, hear, feel and even smell that part of you flowing into your right hand until you have the sense that all of it is out of your body and in your hand. Allow the part of you in your right hand to become a metaphorical image you can see clearly in your mind's eye. Just notice what image the healing part of you naturally takes. Thank that part of you for revealing itself to you and communicating with you.
  9. Ask your internal healer,"What is your positive intention and purpose for me?" Quietly and respectfully listen, watch and feel for any inner messages.
  10. Say to your symptom, "Thank you for communicating with me. I appreciate you for having been so committed to those positive intentions and purposes all this time."
  11. Imagine that your symptom and then your internal healer are able to face one another. Ask them if they can understand and appreciate, in terms of their own intentions, the value and usefulness of the other's positive intentions and purposes. Make sure that each part recognizes and accepts the positive intent of the other .
  12. When both parts accept the other's intentions and purposes as valuable, explain the need for them to work together in new and more effective ways. Find the common mission, on the spiritual level, that both parts actually share.
  13. Identify the resources and capabilities that each part has that would helpful to the other part in order to accomplish its own positive intention and the common mission. Secure a congruent agreement from the parts to combine their resources so they can more fully accomplish their own purposes and the common mission.
  14. Entering again into a contemplative state that you would associate with being 'close to Spirit', imagine that a brilliant light is shining down on you from above. Fantasize a metaphor for healing; such as a water flowing through you, a fire burning within you, a wind blowing around you or the earth soaking up and recycling anything toxic. Slowly bring both hands together. Watch and feel your symptom and internal healer integrating, transforming and merging together within the light and the healing metaphor. Allow them to form a new image which represents a full integration.
  15. Say to yourself, "Now I can be whole. The two are one. This is what I really want. No part of me has any objections to it. I have no doubt in my heart." Pause and feel deeply and respectfully for how this fits with your sense of congruity and identity.
    [Note: If you sense any incongruity, resistance or doubt, repeat the process from step 3 using the sense of incongruity, resistance or doubt as the symptom.]
  16. If there is no objection, bring this integration image into your heart, breathe it into your lungs. Let the feeling you have now take you all the way into your past, to just before you were born. Be in your mother's womb feeling this way. As both sperm and egg, allow yourself to continue going back into all the branches of your family history. Then, with the feeling deeply within your history, your body and your cellular structure, gently bring it back up up through all the branches and years of your life to this present moment. Visualize what it would look like to be fully healed, physically more capable, clear in mind, calmer and enjoying being your real self. Watch it continue to gently unfold into your future.
  17. Share your experience with one or two other people. Each of you tell a short metaphor to the others that you feel represents your process of healing.

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