The Bio of Suzi Smith.

Suzi Smith is an internationally renowned trainer and developer in the field of NLP. She holds a Bachelor of Music from the University of Utah, a Master of Science from Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Counseling, and Certificates as an NLP Practitioner, Master Practitioner, and Trainer. With Robert Dilts and Tim Hallbom she founded the NLP World Health Community and wrote the popular book Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well-Being (1990). She is a co-author of NLP: The New Techology of Achievement. (1994) and has authored or co-authored numerous other training tapes and videos, including the audio tape "How to Build Rapport" and the videotapes "Eliminating Allergies", "Neurological Levels in the Mind-Body Connection", "ReImprinting: Utilizing the Mind-Body Connection", and "Conflict Integration", with Tim Hallbom. She is featured on the Nightingale-Conant tape series "NLP - The New Technology of Achievement".

Suzi Smith

In 1980 she founded Western States Training Associates/NLP of Utah (now Anchor Point Institute and Anchor Point Products) toghether with Tim Hallbom to offer practical, skill-based training and consulting to individuals, businesses and government organizations, and, with this organization, she continues to conduct training sessions.

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