Master Practitioner Certification

NLPU 200

Next Generation NLP

Photo Copyright © 2012 by D. Roundy

Not Offered in 2016

Prerequisite: Practitioner Certification
NLPU 100 or Equivalent

Includes NLPU 201 Master Practitioner Foundation Skills, a fun, new, self-paced prerequisite on-line course, complete with video lessons, learning games and assessments.

Already Have a Master Practitioner Certification?
Consider the NLPU
Master Practitioner BRIDGE Program
Not Offered in 2016

Prerequisite: Master Practitioner Certification
NLPU 200 or Equivalent

Update for NLP Master Practitioners and NLP Trainers. Refresh your skills and reunite with the NLP Learning Community at NLPU.

  • Review NLPU 101 Practitioner Foundation Skills and the prerequisite NLPU 201 Foundation Skills.
  • Participate at NLPU and receive the complete Practitioner and Master Practitioner booklets by signing a limited copyright use agreement.
  • Learn from Robert, and be inspired by peers and colleagues at the NLPU 2015 session.
  • You will receive a Master Practitioner Certificate when you fully participate and achieve success with all assessments and tasks.

  • The NLPU Master Practitioner Certification Program is designed to provide participants with the conceptual, analytical, observational and interactive skills necessary to achieve both conscious and unconscious competence in advanced Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

    This intensive, training allows you to explore and deepen your understanding and practice of NLP technology. We welcome students from all NLP Institutes who have received their Practitioner Certification.

    Our new Master Practitioner Bridge Certification Program provides individuals who have been previously certified in NLP with the key updates that "bridge" them to the next generation of NLP as developed and taught at NLPU. Robert Dilts, Judy DeLozier and others have re-engineered the Practitioner and Master Practitioner materials.

    The NLPU Master Practitioner Certification Program leads to personal mastery of some of the most effective tools for change that exist in our world today. You will learn how to apply NLP to a variety of applications, including, education, physical and mental health, business, leadership, social applications, creativity and much more.

    Some of the advanced NLP skills participants will develop include:

  • Identifying and managing the dynamic interplay of Neurological Levels, Perceptual Positions and Time Frames
  • Defining a "problem space" in terms of symptoms, causes, outcomes, resources and effects
  • Strategies for Changing Belief Systems including Reimprinting, Integration of Conflicting Beliefs, Time Line Belief Procedures
  • Advanced Patterns for Working with Sub-Modalities
  • Recognizing and Utilizing Advanced Language Patterns
  • Advanced Anchoring Techniques
  • Systemic NLP Patterns and Multi-Level Intervention Strategies
  • Cooperative Learning Skills including Co-Coaching Skills, Dynamic Assessment Strategies, "Intervision" Procedures

  • NLP Master Practitioner Certification will be awarded to those who fully participate in the program and successfully complete assessment.

    Participants in this program will be on campus simultaneously with a group of NLP Trainers. Everyone will be mutually enriched from interactions between these two groups.

    Photo Copyright © 2012 by D. Roundy

    Contact Teresa Epstein, NLPU Coordinator
    P.O. Box 1112
    Ben Lomond, CA  95005
    Phone: (831) 336-3457