NLPU Special Workshops 2016

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Success Factor Modeling and the Art of Success:
Living Your Dreams and Making a Better World

With Robert Dilts

July 14–16, 2016 (Arrive July 13th. Begins July 14th AM.)
Residential Package $1400.00
(Tuition $900.00 / Private Accommodations & Meals $500.00)

To make a living following one's own passion while at the same time making a positive difference in the world is a dream of many people. Such a passion may be in the area of coaching, consulting, NLP, training, or some other product or service in which a person believes. This passion emerges from the deep desire to feel that "instead of just doing a job, I am living my life and making a difference." Starting a new business or project, however, can also feel like quite a daunting task. There are many obstacles and challenges to face. People often hold themselves back out of lack of knowledge, fear of failure and other forms of self-doubt.

The purpose of this program is to provide participants with the road maps and tools necessary to develop the confidence, competence and resources necessary to launch their own business or project and begin living their dreams while also making a better world. The program is based on the principles and discoveries of Success Factor Modeling™ (SFM™). In this seminar, noted trainer, researcher and author Robert Dilts will reveal the critical success factors which enable individuals to live their dreams and at the same time contribute to making a better world through projects and businesses.

The focus of this workshop is on applying Success Factor Modeling™ to become an effective "entrepreneur." An entrepreneur, in this sense, means anyone who has an idea or project that he or she would like to see become a viable reality. The program emphasizes the importance of developing an "entrepreneurial spirit," applying Success Factor Modeling™ to identify some of the key patterns of inspiring and successful entrepreneurs. A core goal of this program to help participants become more confident, innovative, proactive and generative.

The activities center around mode learning more about who you are and identifying an entrepreneurial project that is an expression of your deepest passion connected to your vision for a better world.

Topics will include:
  • Road Maps for Successful Entrepreneurship
  • Modeling Optimal Entrepreneurial Mindset
  • Finding Your Passion and expressing it as a vision
  • Mapping the Path from Vision to Action
  • The SFM Circle of Success™
  • Making a "Second Position" Analysis
  • "Imagineering" a Successful Future

  • Self Care

    NLP Self-Care Program

    With Robert Dilts, Judith DeLozier, Patricia Novick and Deborah Bacon Dilts

    July 17–20, 2016 (Arrive July 17th. Begins July 17th at 7 PM.)
    Residential Package $1400.00
    (Tuition $900.00 / Private Accommodations & Meals $500.00)

    Self-love is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting.
    William Shakespeare – Henry V

    Self-care is the process of taking care of yourself - physically, emotionally and psychologically. As the quote from Shakespeare above suggests, the opposite of self-care is self-neglect.

    In our busy lives in today's modern world it is easy to be distracted and forget about taking care of ourselves. We are also frequently taught to believe that caring for ourselves is selfish. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In order to be our best and give our best to others, we must take good care of ourselves and make it a priority. Actually, selfishness and self-involvement are the consequences of self-neglect, as our inner system tries to balance itself.

    Each of us is a part of a larger system, a whole within a bigger "holon." The more we care for our own well-being, the more we can contribute richly to the greater whole. The term self-care suggests a mind-set that develops awareness of our fundamental human needs. Through self-care, we generate behaviors designed to identify and care for these needs, thus fostering optimum health at all levels, beginning with self and extending to all our relationships: environment, families, community and organizations.

    When we don't practice self-care, we begin to experience certain types of symptoms, such as stress, exhaustion, depression, feeling unappreciated, and struggling with inner conflicts. Another sign of self-neglect is the phenomenon of compensation - thoughts and actions in which we are trying to do something for ourselves, but which can actually do more harm than good. Problems like bad habits, addictions or what is known as "vegging out" are examples of this type of compensation.

    Even people who are familiar with the necessity of self-care and do practice it will need to engage in periods of enhanced self-care as they move into new levels of demands on their performance. Starting a new job, becoming a parent, dealing with illness in oneself or family members, striving to better serve others or achieve a new degree of success in one's business or life are situations that call for enhanced self-care.

    This 3-day program will show you how to apply the tools and skills of NLP to the process of healthy and ecological self-care and enhanced self-care. You will learn how to achieve greater self-awareness, set clear and achievable self-care goals and to transform limitations and obstacles to better self-care. Participants will learn to identify their particular needs and install practices that support them.

    This program is part of a 16-day NLP Practitioner training, and can be taken as a stand-alone program. We warmly invite you to take advantage of this special program that will enrich your life and support you to contribute your own unique gifts to the world.


    Check with NLPU Coordinator Teresa Epstein for space availability:
    Email Telephone (831) 336-3457